A Ruler is for Making Straight Lines

29 Apr 2021

A Ruler is for Making Straight Lines

Patterns are everywhere in life. Using models and templates to make copies and designs but why? Well, it’s because structure helps keep things together, organized and gives a jumping-off point to get started with. For instance, teachers use patterns to make a schedule, so while they may change something’s they can stay consistent with what they have to accomplish. Another example of this is a ruler, as basic as it might be, a ruler can be wooden or plastic. But they’re consistently able to make straight lines by following the pattern of a basic ruler.

Knowing that patterns are everywhere in life, design patterns in computer science, in general, are a repeatable solution to a recurring problem in software design. While this doesn’t mean it’s a finished solution right away, just like the ruler it gives more consistency to then grow from. Making finding the right solution much easier, quicker, and with fewer issues.

Design Patterns

Recently I have been working with various types of design patterns. When initially learning Javascript, I used the Prototype pattern which created a copy of a prototype object. We also worked in Meteor using the Observer pattern, which was used to notify a list of dependents about certain changes. These were just a few examples of design patterns I have been able to work with recently. Some others include Model-View-Controller, Front Controller, Singleton, and Factory.

Design patterns are a template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Knowing the basics of how to use design patterns can benefit anyone interested in software engineering. This is why I would recommend learning how to use these patterns to better your work.

Final Thoughts

Finally, learning about design patterns and having consistency to follow has improved my ability in web design immensely. Consistent work is important when developing anything, so I think design patterns are a great way to improve anyone’s web application. For me, it’s much easier creating sites knowing that I’m not starting from scratch, and it allows me to get better results in a much faster and consistent way. So, while a ruler is for making straight lines, you can use design patterns for improving your web designs.